Faculty/Staff Directory
Name | Email Address | Position |
Dale Adams | dadams@westbrookchristian.org | Drivers Ed |
Kathy Barfield | kbarfield@westbrookchristian.org | 2nd Grade |
Anna Barnes | abarnes@westbrookchristian.org | Music Teacher |
Jennifer Batting | Elementary- Front Office | |
Katie Baugh | 5K Teacher | |
Heather Blevins | hblevins@westbrookchristian.org | Counselor |
Beth Blisard | bblisard@westbrookchristian.org | Discovery |
Jeremy Brooks | HS History/Head Girls V. Basketball Coach | |
Kelly Buchanan | kbuchanan@westbrookchristian.org | 5K |
Esther Bunt | ebunt@westbrookchristian.org | 5th Grade |
Christina Burgess | cburgess@westbrookchristian.org | Middle School History |
Grant Campbell | gcampbell@westbrookchristian.org | IT Technician |
Mary Evelyn Coker | mcoker@westbrookchristian.org | Elementary Computer |
Andrea Cook | acook@westbrookchristian.org | 1st Grade |
Candice Crow | ccrow@westbrookchristian.org | STEM |
Samantha Dutton | sdutton@westbrookchristian.org | 5K |
Kathy Echeverri | kecheverri@westbrookchristian.org | Spanish |
Greg Edge | gedge@westbrookchristian.org | Secondary Administrator |
Belinda Edwards | bedwards@westbrookchristian.org | Discovery |
Suzanne Edwards | sedwards@westbrookchristian.org | High School Math |
Shane Ellison | sellison@westbrookchristian.org | High School Science |
Larry Fuhrman | lfurhman@westbrookchristian.org | Bible Teacher |
Maghan Fuller | mfuller@westbrookchristian.org | 8th Grade English |
Jenny Gallman | jgallman@westbrookchristian.org | Resource |
Amanda Greer | agreer@westbrookchristian.org | 7th Grade Math |
Cindy Greer | cgreer@westbrookchristian.org | Educational Consultant |
Taryn Hall | tjhall@westbrookchristian.org | 2nd Grade |
Sandra Handley | shandley@westbrookchristian.org | Elementary Administrator |
Amanda Haney | ahaney@westbrookchristian.org | Elementary Library/Resource |
Jan Hill | jhill@westbrookchristian.org | Resource |
Shana Hill | shill@westbrookchristian.org | 3K Teacher |
Lauren Holt | lholt@westbrookchristian.org | High School English |
Kenleigh Huff | khuff@westbrookchristian.org | 3rd Grade |
Brandy James | bjames@westbrookchristian.org | 1st Grade |
Jessica Jones | jjones@westbrookchristian.org | Middle School Administrator |
Jessica Jones | jjonesregistrar@westbrookchristian.org | Registrar/High School Admin Assist. |
Kristi Justice | kjustice@westbrookchristian.org | Bookkeeper |
Kelly Kemp | kkemp@westbrookchristian.org | 4K |
Wayne Lee | wlee@westbrookchristian.org | PE |
Gina Lockridge | glockridge@westbrookchristian.org | 4K |
Courtney Mahy | High School English | |
Denise Mattison | dmattison@westbrookchristian.org | PE/Volleyball Coach |
Robert McCary | rmccary@westbrookchristian.org | Maintenance |
Miriam McDonald | mmcdonald@westbrookchristian.org | Art |
Angie McHugh | amchugh@westbrookchristian.org | High School History and Golf Coach |
Rob McHugh | rmchugh@westbrookchristian.org | Golf Coach |
Debra McKinley | dmckinley@westbrookchristian.org | Resource |
Meredith Miller | mmiller@westbrookchristian.org | High School Math |
Shela Mitchell | smitchell@westbrookchristian.org | 4K |
Kelly Morton | Custodian | |
Ashley Nailer | anailer@westbrookchristian.org | 4th Grade |
Rachel Neal | rneal@westbrookchristian.org | Administrator |
Romy Nolen | rnolen@westbrookchristian.org | 3rd Grade |
Cindy Norman | cnorman@westbrookchristian.org | 4th Grade |
Mary Oliver | moliver@westbrookchristian.org | Resource |
Holly Ostendorf | hostendorf@westbrookchristian.org | Science |
Betsy Parden | bparden@westbrookchristian.org | School Nurse |
Chad Phillips | cphillips@westbrookchristian.org | Strength Coach |
Marti Potter | mpotter@westbrookchristian.org | 4K Transition |
Mike Prater | mprater@westbrookchristian.org | SRO Officer |
Karen Pullin | kpullin@westbrookchristian.org | 6th Grade ELA |
Max Reeves | mreaves@westbrookchristian.org | CFO |
Garrett Rule | grule@westbrookchristian.org | Head of Maintenance |
Mark Sanders | msanders@westbrookchristian.org | Health |
Kellilyn Sechrest | ksechrest@westbrookchristian.org | High School English |
Cindy Self | cself@westbrookchristian.org | High School Math |
Janna Smith | jsmith@westbrookchristian.org | Middle/High School Librarian |
Frances Stewart | fstewart@westbrookchristian.org | Counselor |
Michael Stewart | mstewart@westbrookchristian.org | Middle School Teacher |
Vicki Stewart | vstewart@westbrookchristian.org | 6th Grade Math |
Cailin Stone | cstone@westbrookchristian.org | Middle School English |
Kerri Thomson | kthomson@westbrookchristian.org | 3K |
Lydia Thrift | lthrift@westbrookchristian.org | Resource |
Michelle Usry | musry@westbrookchristian.org | 3rd Grade |
Stephanie Wagner | swagner@westbrookchristian.org | High School History |
Neal Wester | HS Math/Head Boys V. Basketball Coach | |
Jessica Whittemore | jwhittemore@westbrookchristian.org | 6th Grade History and Science |
Chris Williams | cwilliams@westbrookchristian.org | High School Math / Softball Coach |
Jeannie Williams | jwilliams@westbrookchristian.org | Lunchroom Manager |
Jerry Windle | jwindle@westbrookchristian.org | Baseball Coach |
Katelin Witt | kwitt@westbrookchristian.org | Middle School Math |
Lauren Wright | lwright@westbrookchristian.org | Communications & Admissions |
Stephanie Wright | swright@westbrookchristian.org | 3K |
Yunona Yaeger | yyaeger@westbrookchristian.org | 5th Grade |
Sondra Yarbrough | syarbrough@westbrookchristian.org | 1st Grade |